Key points: PVC-free, but be aware of the exceptions as well as the requirements for meeting the Red List in this category for example in data cable applications since these are readily available on the market. Flourescent lamps should not be used as they contain mercury.
Manufacturers: Advance the cause of the Red List by declaring the contents
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Applicable exceptions
I10-E15 10/2013 PVC wire is allowed in residential projects due to a code limitation, but are encouraged to seek alternatives.
I10-E16 10/2013 HFRs are acceptable in PVC-free wiring again due to a code limitation.
I10-E13 6/2012 Mercury is accepted for UV disinfection lamps (used to treat water) only if no other acceptable filtration is found.
I10-E2 5/2013 Small electrical components may have Red List items, but should be the maximum concentrations outlined in the LBC Materials Petal Handbook.
Be sure to check the LBC Petal Handbook for more information.